KunstAutomat.dk (2012)

KunstAutomat.dk  [2012] – Educational & Inspirational Art Machine.

I got the idea for KunstAutomat, when I was teaching in visual arts at the Media Workshop (Medieværkstedet) in  Aalborg. And some of the students between other tasks needed inspiration for new works. In the beginning I called it “Drag a task” (træk en opgave) and later when I made the digital version it was titled in danish KunstAutomat.dk – Træk en opgave
(Vending Machine – Drag a task)

The students liked the concept, because they did not know what type of task they would get and what media the task should be solved in. So that gave som new inspiration and created news ways.

Examples of task names: Black Box, Missing Link, Square and many more.

Link: Site Offline

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